Legal information

The site published by YOUR NEXT LEVEL aims to help businesses looking for growth achieve their goals. Our methodology and values are aimed at supporting companies step by step, with as much transparency as possible.

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the YOUR NEXT LEVEL site are informed of the identity of the various actors in the context of its implementation and monitoring.

This site, accessible at the URL (hereinafter the “Site”), is published by:

YOUR NEXT LEVEL, Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 5,668 euros, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register, under number 818 240 939, and having its head office at 10 rue de Penthièvre, 75008 Paris.

The operator's individual VAT number is FR89818240939.

The YOUR NEXT LEVEL site is hosted by Webflow, Inc., headquartered at 398 11th Street, 94103 San Francisco, United States. The host can be reached by email at the following address:

The publishing director of the website is Mike Dejardin.

Confidentiality policy


YOUR NEXT LEVEL works to continuously strengthen and improve trust and transparency with its users.

In the context of the use of its services, and in particular the services accessible on its website, YOUR NEXT LEVEL, as data controller, is likely to collect and process personal data concerning its users, while respecting and protecting the privacy of its users as well as their choice.

In this logic of transparency, YOUR NEXT LEVEL, in accordance with the regulations of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) and the provisions of the amended “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (“RGPD”) resulting from Regulation EU 2016/679, expressly informs its users that in addition to complying with the regulations mentioned, YOUR NEXT LEVEL also implements appropriate internal procedures in order to raise awareness among its employees. and to ensure compliance with these rules at within its organization.

In case of questions concerning personal data, YOUR NEXT LEVEL can be contacted via the address

YOUR NEXT LEVEL is committed to respecting the privacy and choices of its users or any other person whose personal data from its website may be processed.

YOUR NEXT LEVEL also undertakes not to send its users commercial communications from external companies.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as required to provide our services or as required by law.

YOUR NEXT LEVEL is committed to complying with the regulations applicable to all the processing of personal data that it implements.
In particular, to respect the following principles:

  • Process the personal data of its users, or any other person who may be able to do so in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner.
  • Collect the personal data of its users, or any other person who may be, for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and not to process them subsequently in a manner that is incompatible with their purposes.
  • Keep the personal data of its users, or any other person who may be, adequately, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
  • Finally, YOUR NEXT LEVEL undertakes to respect any other principle applicable to the applicable regulations concerning the protection of personal data, and more specifically concerning the rights granted to the persons concerned, the retention periods of personal data as well as the obligations relating to cross-border transfers of personal data.

Information collection

Within the framework of relationships established or that may be established with YOUR NEXT LEVEL, these users or any other person may communicate their personal data to it by various means and in particular via its website, by completing the various collection forms, publishing comments on its social media pages, during any contact with YOUR NEXT LEVEL or when transmitting their personal data in any other way.

The purpose is in particular, and without this list being exhaustive, name, e-mail address, telephone number, to allow Internet users and Users to benefit from all the services or benefits available on the YOUR NEXT LEVEL site, to allow navigation on its websites, to make its information, offers and other forms of services best match their interests, to facilitate the completion of the administrative formalities necessary to process their requests, to come into contact with Internet users for various topics through interactive discussion spaces, answers to questions and needs of Internet users and users.

YOUR NEXT LEVEL processes the information of Internet users and users for the purposes described in these rules and in accordance with the following legal bases:

  • Any information for specific purposes will be treated with the prior consent of Internet users and users, which consent may be withdrawn at any time.
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by YOUR NEXT LEVEL (in particular to develop and improve new services and offers for its users and/or for the benefit of the public as well as to detect, avoid or deal with fraudulent activities, abuses, security breaches or any technical problems encountered by our services).


We inform you that in accordance with YOUR NEXT LEVEL's Cookies Policy, if you visit our website and your browser settings accept Cookies, the use of these Cookies will then be considered accepted.

The use of Cookies is intended to collect certain information on the use of the YOUR NEXT LEVEL platform. It aims to continuously improve our platform to offer you an ever more complete and intuitive experience.

Click here to change your cookie preferences

Retention period of your data

YOUR NEXT LEVEL undertakes to keep the personal data of its users for a period that does not exceed that required for the purposes for which they are processed.
In addition, YOUR NEXT LEVEL keeps this personal data in accordance with the retention periods imposed by applicable laws in force.

These storage periods are defined according to the processing purposes implemented by YOUR NEXT LEVEL and, in particular, take account of the legal provisions which apply imposing a precise storage period for certain categories of data, any limitation periods that apply, as well as the CNIL's recommendations concerning certain categories of data processing.

Your rights

In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, any user may, at any time, exercise their rights to access, rectify, delete data concerning them as well as their rights to limit and oppose their processing.

These rights are exercised by mail to the following address:

10 rue de Penthièvre 75008 Paris

In this context, any applicant is requested to provide their request with the elements necessary for identification (name, first name, email) as well as any other information necessary to confirm their identity.

A reasonable period of one month should be taken into account from the receipt of the request.


As part of what is set out above, the user authorizes YOUR NEXT LEVEL to keep and process the personal data communicated when accessing and visiting the Site.

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will be posted on this page.